Wednesday 1 August 2018



As you all know that the "morning is the best time for starting off a healthy day". It's difficult to start your day on a positive note, especially if you're not a morning person.
Did you ever noticed when your morning starts with snoozing alarm’s kipping breakfast & rushing yourself out the door then the rest of your day seems to reflect that mood of yours totally confused or works disorderly as well? So it's time to start planning accordingly because the tone of your morning will determine the tone of your day. If you want to prepare positive habits, then you may need to put some intentional efforts into forming them until they become your nature.
Being healthy isn't a one day job as it requires many eating as well as lifestyle changes. We need to build major pillars for perfect lifestyle i.e., healthy lifestyle & healthy food.
The way you spend your morning can add a certain flavor to the rest of your day. When things starts our feeling stressful, you can experience a "negative thoughts" & "stressful lifestyle".
Generally, most of the people missed their breakfast but you all know that "the most important meal of the day" is the breakfast for a very good reason. Usually, you saw your grandparents as well as parents they never skip their meal or always go for a morning walk so that they get fresh air & they are mentally & physically fit because they all live healthy lifestyle. You all should know a healthy lifestyle as well as healthy meal in the morning can balance your blood sugar levels & give you the strength you need to handle physical & mental stress.
You only get one body & one life on this earth. Respect yourself & love yourself enough to take the best care of yourself.
"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live in."
It's all about your mindset. If you make a right decision & follow that properly then you also enjoy your life as healthy & wealthy.
'Losing weight is a mind game' you can say, change your mind, change your body. A healthy lifestyle requires work & no one is going to do it for you.As you heard a famous quote, "you are the creator of your own destiny" or an another quote for you, "climb your own ladder to success". If you try your hardest then in the end there will be no regrets, you will be ultimately happy with the result.
As of still, if you didn't started making changes in your lifestyle to be more health conscious, I hope this will encourage you to do so. Just simple changes or you can say, from simple efforts done by you can change your lifestyle & save your money which you paid to your doctor & medication.
Old quotes which your grand parents teach you from the childhood times, "health is wealth" or the famous words your parents generally used to say, "early too bed, early too rise make your healthy wealthy & wise";they really meant these words & therefore they live happily & healthy or you can see they look young just because they are fit.
That's true to say, beginning can be hard of any work but do you know the beginning can be the hardest part but never quit.
Here are some quick & simple tips to make healthy lifestyle/ to start your day with:-
1.Start your day with a glass of water.
2.Make some time for a morning exercise routine.
3.Go for a walk in the park.
4.Consume a healthy breakfast. Don't skip any nutrient food throughout the day.
5.Mind your mental diet.
6.Give yourself a bed time.
7.Set up your atmosphere for success.
8.Cut down on sugary drinks.
9.Develop meaningful connections.
10.Eat your diet when your mind is present & enjoy your meal.
11.Create a healthier atmosphere at your home.
12.Last but not least,use less gadgets & set little rules for yourself.
For a healthier lifestyle; you must to follow all the things, "Run faster, Eat better;
Sleep longer, Try harder;
Aim higher, love more;
Day-by-day, get happier..
Hope so, by these tips you encourage yourself & get healthier wealthier lifestyle.